What is Christmas without a gift box full of PAINTS?!!!!!!! I love it, that is what I received for Christmas from my kids. I got this wonderful Boston Terrier ART Print and The Nightmare Before Christmas dollset..My husband plays Santa every year and so I have a couple photo's of my kiddo's..they do love Santa very much! Thanks to taking a peek at my holiday photo's
Happy New Year is the biggest Celebration this week ..so that is the theme over at TOFF this week "Celebrations"..so "Rock Around the Clock" and bring in 2012!!!! To make art for TOFF ..just follow the link below and join us! http://toffchallenge.blogspot.com/
There are some NEW Cute Patootie Holiday Sheets out over at Lisa's Altered Arts..You must check them out!!! I made these atc's with some of the images from the sheets! Merry Christmas! Thanks for stopping by~
New Challenge over at Dilly Beans..theme: Santa Baby...my girl is awaiting Santa with lots of LOVE..of course every girl writes a letter to Santa! Merry Christmas to everybody!
Baby it's cold outside!!! ...but no snow here yet..usually we do by now..so it's a weird winter. Hopefully we'll get snow in time for Christmas. The theme this week is "Winter" over at TOFF. Hope you'll play along and make some Winter aRt with us. Visit us over at The Octopode Factory..follow the link below. Thanks! and Happy Holiday's to all! http://toffchallenge.blogspot.com
This is the 2nd page in my journal book! I'm having fun with this larger size..more to collage! -images used are all by TumblefishStudio's...at DeviantScrap. com
I finally bought a Journal book! I'm so happy to be able to get on with it and make some pages! I'm so behind in this trend..but hopefully will have the time to sit and create some arty pages for my very own book! I started out with this very first page using images by CrowaboutStudio's B images from DeviantScrap.com.. Thanks so much and love ya's!
In the holiday season I chose the movie "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" for this weeks theme over at TOFF..the challenge to make art based on a movie of choice! Hope all is well for all my artful blogger friends..I Love Ya's and hope you are enjoying the new month of December..may the Christmas spirit be on you! Hugs to all... To make movie art with us over at TOFF..follow link below. Thanks.. http://toffchallenge.blogspot.com/