Saturday, April 18, 2009

SaturdaySurprise: Music

I've been waiting for a Music Theme! I just love music and I think everybody does. Music can really put you into the spirit for any moment in life!
I picked:
Sweet Caroline-Neil Diamond
Bubbly-Colbie Caillat
Saturday Surprise
Thanks for visiting me today!!


  1. I love both of these but I think 'Bubbly' is my favourite although I don't know the song.
    Ali xx

  2. what a beautiful cards Amy.

    hugs Riet.x

  3. Absolutely joyous art pieces Amy! I'm so happy that you were poised and ready for a music theme....I can tell because both of your pieces are spectacular.

  4. These are both darling. That little girl on "Bubbly" is such a sweetie!
    Thanks for sharing your great work!

  5. Both cards are adorable. I love them both, but my favorite is Sweet Caroline. Have you checked out Colbie Caillet's whole CD? It's wonderful.

  6. Lovely collages and I love sweet Caroline as well (partly for obvious reasons and also because a friend's mum had a crush on Neil Diamond!!! and I always think of old times!!!), oh blimey, I'm going all melancholic!! Carolyn :o)


I appreciate your lovely comments!