Thursday, September 2, 2010

Inspiration Ave: Finders Keepers & Fun With ATC's: Wings

'keep things in your heart'
-little girl in pink is by Lisa's Altered Arts
-I "found" this very cool background technique by Terri @ Pringle Hill Studio's
and it's a real "Keeper"..I loved this background technique easy and fun.
You can find Terri here at Pringle Hill Studio
Inspiration Ave.
Fun with ATC's


  1. This is so wonderful! The little girl looks a bit like you! I hope you had a great day and thanks for the background information - can't wait to check it out, xo

  2. LOL..she does look a bit like me--that is funny!!

  3. OMG she is really darling.
    Gorgeous ATC.

  4. I really love it, it is soo amazing, I like this technique, too!

    thanks for playing along at Fun with ATCs


  5. Wonderful piece and I do like that background!
    Cynthia Schelzig

  6. She's cute. Your backgrounds are always great and I can never get enough of those stockings!

  7. Amy, this is so adorable! And the background is wonderful, as you say. Thanks for giving us the link to the technique of how it was done.

  8. I was thinking this little girl looks a bit like you it you when you were younger..fab ATCs.Thanks very much for your great comment on my blog..I am still buzzin!

  9. Soooo coool the way you've used this techique, Amy! I'm so happy that you liked it and thank you for spreading the word about where to find it! She's absolutely adorable! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  10. Hi Amy she is so adorable, beautiful, love it. Annette x

  11. So very sweet! I love the background as well as the little girl!

  12. fantastic !
    Thank you very much for this gorgeous entry!

    xxx Susi

  13. I find myself REALLY drawn to the background you used as well. And your addition to the background are very complimentary-well done!

  14. I loved your interpretation of Finder's Keepers. Terri always has so many beautiful freebies and I know it made her happy to see this little gal used in such a clever way and such a delightful challenge.

  15. That's such a great ATC!
    Thank you very much for taking part in our challenge at Fun with ATCs!
    Hugs, Caro


I appreciate your lovely comments!