Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gingersnap Creations: Blue Moon Challenge

"i will not forget my destiny"

This is the 5th and final week I'm over at Gingersnap Creations.

Bluemoon challenge is to find a past challenge and create art based on the picked challenge.

I chose the past challenge of -Crowns-

Labeled: GC: 91

-the images I used are from Crowabout and TumblefishStudios

Hope to see your art using the theme I picked "crowns"..

Thanks for having me over at Gingersnap's been so much fun to create art for each theme!

Gingersnap Creations


  1. How awesome!! Love your creation, dear Amy!! You are soooo talented and your work
    is truely inspirational!!

    Have a nice weekend.
    MARTINA xoxo


I appreciate your lovely comments!