Sunday, July 1, 2012

SPA: Sepia

I am host over at Sunday Postcard Art this week!! The theme is SEPIA, which is a little hard to I LOVE COLOR and who doesn't. I did however add some hue's of color to the sepia. I hope you like my submission for this week's theme over at SPA..make art and be HAPPY!
~image credits: girl and arms by TumblefishStudio's (
                        heart by CrowaboutStudio's (


  1. I had a hard time finding any sepia here, Amy, but this is a great card.

  2. It is hard to stay sepia when you love color, but it's still an awesome card.

  3. Love your sepia girl against the muted colours. A gorgeous postcard.

  4. it is very hard to achieve sepia when using actual paint..very easy to achieve using 'digital art'..just a button on the screen in a paint program.

    Thanks everyone.

  5. Amy - I think I may have offended you with my comment about sepia. If so, I'm truly sorry. I do mixed media as well as digital, and I know very well how hard some colors are to achieve (for example flesh color). I'm a fan of your art, and didn't mean ot be critical.

  6. This is such a gorgeous postcard. Love it!


I appreciate your lovely comments!